All of the components of PETAL must be included in your body paragraphs for any English essay, regardless of text, form, etc. if you are aiming for a high mark in your essay. Without any one of these (Point, Example, Technique, Analysis or Link), students will not be able to achieve a high mark in their essays (e.g. Band 5 or 6 in the HSC) Essay our country in english. Ratings. 92 % () Essay our country in english? - tulane supplemental essays example? shawshank redemption argumentative essay! Write a list of references for an essay that uses the books shown below Essay in hindi on pariksha ke din diwas Essay essay hindi in on of example words hindi conclusion @, essay on my favorite sport football sat essay subscore, essay about first aid kit, essay power of press and media essay about cebuano culture of pakistan essay in english getting to know you essay example, opinion essay british: essay about
How to Write a PETAL Paragraph for Your English Essay
Writing an essay for English but are a little unsure about how to structure your body paragraphs? The PETAL paragraph structure will help you! PEEL, TEEL, PETAL… Sound familiar? When it comes to English, teachers often suggest following one of these structures in the body paragraphs of an English essay. Long explanation short, these mnemonics patterns or words that can help us remember an idea or concept are all variations of the same type of structure that students can follow, example essay english.
Having such a mnemonic can help you ensure you hit the most important areas to cover in your body paragraphs, because at the end of the day, markers will be looking for this type of structure and adherence to it, or lack thereof, will most likely determine the mark students achieve in their essays.
PETAL works as a structure for an individual example within a paragraph, as well as in a paragraph. Within these structures however, there would still be a mini Point and Link within each example you give.
This particular text is on the Standard Example essay english syllabus for Module A: Language, Identity and Culturebut the pointers in this article can be used in any level of English, whether in the HSC or not! All of the components of PETAL must be included in your body paragraphs for any English example essay englishregardless of text, form, etc.
if you are aiming for a high mark in your essay. Without any one of these Point, Example, Technique, Analysis or Linkstudents will not be able to achieve a high mark in their essays e. Band 5 or 6 in the HSC. Speaking of, example essay english, if you need help crafting a Band 6 essay, be sure to check out our article on how to write one here!
The Point, also known as your topic sentence, will establish what your argument in your body paragraph will be. In the Point, you will respond directly to the essay question by using the key words and back up your thesis. It is essential that the Point is clear and to-the-pointas the marker will be reading this part first, example essay english.
If example essay english do not understand your Point, example essay english, you risk compromising your entire argument altogether and will not give them a good impression of the rest of the paragraph to come. Although the PETAL structure consists of five main components, example essay english, your body paragraph does not necessarily have to be limited to one sentence per component i. one sentence for your Point, another for your Example, etc.
Sometimes the Point is better split into two sentenceswith the latter where you can introduce the text while in the former, you respond directly to the question using the key words! Learn how to write awesome topic sentences here! Find an example from your text that backs up your argument. This could be a quote from a novel, a scene from a film, etc. Finding good examples that are not used by every other student who is also studying the same text as you is really importantbecause it helps distinguish your argument from everyone else.
As a rule, avoid using overly long quotes such as anything longer than one sentence. So what would the context behind the quote tell us? Considering where the quote is situated within the text can help us provide a deeper meaning beyond simply recounting what is written in the example essay englishexample essay english, which is always important in your English body paragraphs. Figure out what Technique is being used in your Example.
Preferably try to identify a Technique that demonstrates example essay english awareness of form e. example essay english techniques for a Shakespearean play, because although yes, there are some nice metaphors in Shakespeare, he chose to write plays and not novels. With films, try to use more than one film technique, such as a close-up shot combined with the dark lighting to, again, demonstrate greater awareness of form, example essay english.
Learn about literary techniques here and visual techniques here! This is the toughest step of PETAL, example essay english, but so crucial. Here, you need to analyse the aforementioned Example and Technique while referring to the question. If you get confused as to what you can say about the Example and Technique, think back to your Point. Make sure the Technique links to the Point, not just to the Example itself. At the end of the day, in our English essays, we are trying to analyse, not just point out examples and techniques to the marker.
Again, avoid recounting at all costs! One way to do this could be to have the Example and the Technique in the one sentence, combined with your Analysis.
Now sum up what you have just written! Link it back up to the question and respond to it directly. And there you go.
We can help you master your English text and ace your upcoming English assessments with personalised lessons conducted one-on-one in your home, online or at one of our state of the art campuses in Hornsby or example essay english Hills! To find out more and get started with an inspirational HSC English tutor and mentor, get in touch today or give us a ring on !
Marina Liu is currently completing her Honours in French and Francophone Studies at the University of Sydney, having finished her Bachelor of Arts Languages. She has over 3 years of experience supporting senior English students at Art of Smart Education. In her spare time, she loves giving herself example essay english manicure and listening to music from My Chemical Romance to Simon and Garfunkel.
Featured Learn Study Example essay english Careers Wellbeing Search for:. Blog Study How to Write a PETAL Paragraph for Your English Essay. How to Write a PETAL Paragraph for Your English Essay. What is a PETAL paragraph? Step 1: Build Your Point Step 2: Find Your Example Step 3: Identify Your Technique Step 4: Construct Your Analysis Step 5: Wrap Up With Your Link What is a PETAL paragraph?
Why is it important? Download your own copy of our PETAL paragraph template here! Related Articles. Looking for English Support? Discover how we can help you! We provide services in. New South Wales. Sydney Tutoring. North Shore Tutoring. Parramatta Tutoring. Hornsby Tutoring. Hills District Tutoring. Western Sydney Tutoring.
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The example essay is one of the most basic essays in academic writing, but can be extremely difficult if you've never written one or do not know what to write about. Example essays focus on one main idea which you prove with several specific, convincing examples. If you're stuck on how to write an example All of the components of PETAL must be included in your body paragraphs for any English essay, regardless of text, form, etc. if you are aiming for a high mark in your essay. Without any one of these (Point, Example, Technique, Analysis or Link), students will not be able to achieve a high mark in their essays (e.g. Band 5 or 6 in the HSC) Nov 15, · Sample Essay Who Am I. Easy Essay On Farmer In English. Essayez fiil ekimi essay on a picnic on the riverside essay about oceanography animal husbandry essay expo village life and city life essay covid 19 body essay brainly how to do an essay in one night
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